We hope you enjoyed your soup replacement and found it beneficial to the success of your 5-day journey. Please answer a few questions below and receive an additional $10 off your next ProLon purchase.



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I can’t recommend ProLon enough

I discovered ProLon last January and I have been doing it consistently ever since then. It is a really great reset for your body, especially after holidays. It has so many different benefits, it curbs sugar cravings and helps me manage portion control.


It just works for me...

Not only can I stick to ProLon when I can’t stick to other diets, it helps jumpstart into whatever diet that I am planning to do after. Prolon motivates me... it just works for me.


Go ProLon... I'm obsessed!

I started ProLon and i'm telling you, it worked! I lost 6 pounds, I have no brain fog, I absolutely do not crave sugar right now which is insane and I actually feel amazing, I'm full of energy! I am so proud of myself, my husband did it with me, he lost 5 pounds, says he has never felt better.


No more belly bloat...

How are you going to feel after 5 days... Amazing! No belly bloat, you are going to lose weight, have more energy, and all your cravings for sugar... GONE! You have to give this a try.