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ProLon® Fasting Nutrition Plan

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Dhs. 950.00


4.7 out of 5 stars

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Lost 5 pounds in 6 days!

This is my second time using Prolon. It is so easy to follow and stay on the fasting plan for better health. I lost 6 pounds at the end of five days. I feel great. My bpm dropped 5 points and My anxiety level is nonexistent.


I expected to be hungry and then..

I expected to be hungry and then HANGRY, on this program. I was extremely surprised by the fact that not only was I NOT hungry, I also didn't crave my usual nightcap. I really didn't have any cravings for the most part, of course smelling the food I was cooking for my family smells good, but I didn't feel like I NEEDED to eat it. Which was one of the main reasons I wanted to try this program. I enjoyed the food. I did NOT like the drink we had to sip on. The flavor was just not my jam. But other than that I have been pleased with how I feel. I work very hard for a living and I usually need a bit more to eat during the day, NOT this week.

Sara Snyder

This was my10th Prolon fast

This was my 10th Prolon fast. I used this one to reset myself due to having long COVID. I can't begin to describe how much better I feel after doing a prolon fast

Robin Laabs

Prolon leaves the guesswork out of..

Prolon leaves the guesswork out of fasting! The system is super easy to follow and even includes a transition day diet. I always feel great during day and have high energy. I sleep so deep! I love that Prolon makes it so simple to take care of my body on a cellular level... thank you Prolon! Kimberley

Kimberley M.

it is a hard program but it works

it is a hard program but it works. I would not lie, I cannot believe I completed it. I lost 6 pounds and feel really amazing. I will continue with a modified Keto program moving forward

Veronica Diaz

My first 5 day Fast

This was a great experience! I feel amazing, and have so much energy and focus. The food tastes great! I've already recommended to all my friends.

Julie S

Transforming to a Fasting State

The body transitions into a fasting state & fat-burning mode so it can begin cellular clean-up.

Fat burning & Ketogenesis

Fat-burning ramps up, contributing to the initiation of ketogenesis (ketone production). By the end of this day (48hrs), ketosis may occur.

Autophagy / Clean-Up State

Cellular cleanup (autophagy) begins. Fat-burning and ketone production/utilization continues and increases.

Cellular Rejuvenation

Cellular cleaning/renewal & fat-burning continues. Your cells begin looking like younger versions of themselves. You're in the final stretch.

Renewal & Change

Fast completed, cellular renewal continues beyond day 5. Sustained cellular recycling, rejuvenation, and renewal. Sustained ketosis may occur.

Key benefits of ProLon

Fat Focused
Weight Loss

Kickstart weight loss (on average 5 pounds), especially belly fat, while protecting lean body mass, (which althletes and performance minded will love). The key is your body thinks your fasting, while you're staying nourished.

Healthier, Younger
Looking Skin

Clinically shown after 3 cycles of ProLon (15 days total), to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Your skin is rejuvenating from the insdie out, which users come to love!

Cellular Rejuvenation (Autophagy)

A fasting induced miracle of biology called autophagy (which won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 20), cellular rejuvenation is key to your vibrance, emotions, performance, mental clarity,healthy aging and longevity.

Changed Relationship
with Food

In this 5-day journey, ProLon helps you to understand, appreciate, and change your relationship with food. You can successfully function without all the mindless eating and extra calories.

Improved Sense
of Well-being

Your emotional well being is a huge benefit as most people after ProLon feel successful vs the other long term diets that set you up to quit. Feel empowered, rejuvenated, vibrant, and with more mental clarity.

Convenient, Fits Into Every Lifestyle

The beauty of ProLon Fasting Nutrition is it is in 5-day cycles. We recommend doing at least 3 cycles a year (only 15 days). You can include ProLon into your already healthy routine with minimal disruption.


The amazing part about ProLon is it can easily fit into your lifestylle and is only a 5 day change to your normal life.

Suggested consumption by Dr. Valter Longo, head of the Longevity Institute at University of Southern California and Author of the Longevity Diet.

• If you have a health or metabolic objective in mind and want to achieve faster the metabolic and rejuvenative successes of ProLon, then you can do ProLon every month for 3 or 4 months and then do it once every 3 months to maintain the benefits.

• 2 times only per year for Healthy Aging (10 days out of 365 days!)

• 3 times per year for Healthy Aging and added Weight Loss (15 days out of 365 days!)

Some people do ProLon once a month for reasons that are in line with therapeutic effects of fasting that we are also researching and will launch under a dietitian guided program in 2023.

The diet should be used for five consecutive days, after which the individual will transition on the 6th day and then resume their normal diet. The program provides a meal card that recommends how to consume the items for each day, but each day’s items can be consumed in any order you wish, as long as you only eat each day’s items during that day (do not carry them over to the next).

ProLon provides the body with a scientifically developed, naturally occurring combination of macronutrients (fats, carbohydrates, proteins) and micronutrients (essential vitamins and minerals) designed to keep the body nourished while going through the rejuvenating process of the fasting state. 


Day 1: Transforming to a Fasting State: Your body is transitioning to a fasting state and fat- burning mode, and begins preparation for cellular clean-up.

Day 2: Fat Burning & Ketogenesis: Fat Burning & Ketogenesis: Fat-Burning ramps up, contributing to the initiation of ketogenesis (ketone production). By the end of this day (48 hours), ketosis may occur.

Day 3: Autophagy Clean Up State: Cellular clean-up (autophagy) Fat-burning and ketone production/utilization continues and increases.

Day 4: Cellular Rejuvenation:Cellular cleaning/renewal & fat-burning You’re in the final stretch.

Day 5: Renewal & Change: Fast completed, cellular renewal continues beyond Day 5.

Day 1 has about 1100 calories (kcals), while Days 2-5 have between 700 and 800 calories (kcals) per day.